Romania Legal

Corporate solutions in Romania

Register a company in Romania with professional assistance. We cover various corporate solutions including accountancy and document preparation.

Doing business in Romania

Romania joined the European Union in 2007. Today, foreign investors can find a lot of advantages for doing business in Romanian territory, besides, local authorities do not implement any special administrative obstacles for foreigners.
Business immigration to Romania is an excellent opportunity to enter the international market for goods and services, access to European loans and a guarantee of private property rights.

Setup Company

In the annual ranking of DOING BUSINESS 2019 agency from 190 countries of the world in terms of the availability of starting and doing business, Romania ranks 52nd. Not the best indicator among European countries, but the country is located higher than Belgium and Italy. The most profitable way to register a company in Romania is:
Limited Liability Companies (SRL);
Joint Stock Company (SA)
These types of companies in Romania are the most attractive in terms of investment.
Setup company

Business formation

Forming a company in Romania is quite simple but each country has its difficulties. Our experts will help you prepare the necessary package of documents and choose the type of company that suits your business needs, we will also advise you on taxes and we are going to support you at all stages of a company formation in Romania.

Business transfer

In modern companies, the transfer of power to a hired manager occurs in four main causes are as follows – business owners live abroad, the businessman is planning to start a completely new business, business is rebuilt the functional structure into a decentralized holding Usually, the business transfer should be a preferred tool to structure a deal. Our team of lawyers and economists will help you carry out a business transfer and advise you on all issues.

Business in Romania

In recent years, the Romanian economy has shown stable growth rates. The main trading partners of the country are Germany, Italy and France. Unemployment in Romania does not exceed 4–5%, and inflation is about 4%.
Among the promising areas for investment are tourism, agriculture, the automotive industry, services, trade and construction. Local laws do not provide for any restrictions for foreign businessmen.

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